Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Sanity Stroll

Well, it is Friday...what a day, what a week!  It called for Five Guys and a stroll on the beach :)

As I walked along, someone had put these shells on the stairs to a house-
I trespassed a little...

I have a really hard time with macros, but this was not too bad

I have to be honest-this one came home with me!

Some storm debris lodged in my pilings
(like how they are MINE now?)

I stayed on the beach until well after dark.  
Completely alone, knee deep in the water
So good for my soul...and heart...

And then I chased the blue moon
I never quite caught it

Have a GREAT, safe Labor Day Weekend!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hurricane Party~Shore Bird Style!

During Issac Walk-well, sort of...

Issac was kind of a bust-which is fine by me!  
I have lived through several major storms and I really don't care if I never see another one!

Anywhoooo... I am now attending Celebration Church, which meets outside at Cambier Park. 
 It is AMAZING to attend services under a big old banyan tree and just be...

So of course I had to go down to the beach after church and see what was what...

The tide as still very far out and there was just a little kick to the waves.  
The storm was still hours and hours away.

There were many other people with cameras doing what I was doing 
and one of them placed the piece of sea plant there-
of course I took advantage :)

I found some other interesting stuff too

It was awesome...

Until the wind started blowing like bee stings onto my legs and I had to go home...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pre-Issac Photo Walk

We are firmly in the Hurricane Zone here in Naples.  I went for a walk just to see what I could see.  The sea was flat, but the tide was VERY far out.  I walked as far south as a person can walk (OK, I was trespassing...just a little...)

This thing was about 14 inches across.  I have had one run-in with one before-
I do NOT care to repeat that experience!

This is where I trespassed-after i climbed down this...

I walked all the way to the end of the beach and sat and watched the boats go by...


These guys were NOT amused by me :)

 I ran into a "real" photographer doing the same thing I was doing along the beach.  I consider myself a picture taker, not a photographer.  I had SERIOUS camera envy...someday, maybe someday...

Hopefully Issac will not hit too hard.  Keep safe Naples, Keep Safe!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Other Coast

 Boca Inlet, Boca Raton, FL

I dropped my youngest child off at college yesterday-
I don't care what anyone tells you, dropping them off at college is harder than birthing them!
So I went to the beach to keep myself from crying...

I am not a fan of the Atlantic Beaches in Florida am spoiled by Naples.
They are not only covered with natural "litter", there is a lot of the man made stuff too.
But this man made inlet was beautiful!

This one is just for fun!
A little graffiti and a part of the inlet

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Taking a Quick Walk...

I talked my girl into walking with me tonight.

I love talking with this child.  Since the moment of her birth, I have maintained she is an "old soul"-this is not her first trip on this rock.  It makes for really great conversation :)

Speaking of old souls-

Saturday, August 11, 2012


This from my writing blog...but it fits here.


Under a Full Miami moon
I sit eyes closed
Listening to the waves make love to the sand
Thrusting and crashing and then
sweet whispered sigh of release
as the waves climax and
the sand welcomes the surrender of her spent lover

I move belly down
over the dune
transfixed on the secret ritual of the ocean and shore
I inch closer
hoping to be welcomed in
They tease me
touching gently in invitation
then pulling back laughing
knowing this eternal dance
is meant
just for two...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Everglades

These are some oldies...

Everglades air-boat tour 2011

Everglades air-boat tour 2011

My mom LOVES the Everglades and the air-boat tours
These prints were her Christmas present this year :)

Cape Romano

Right after I took this, a wave washed up in the boat-
a tiny bit of heart palpitations...
but it was worth it :)

Sometimes the smallest thing is just the thing...

It's All About Your Perspective...

I used to think of the beach as the water
then I added the sky
now I am beginning to appreciate the sand...
I love a fresh perspective!

The Future Lies in the Past

The Future Lies in the Past

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Causing a Splash

Gordon Drive

Walking out fear

I have been having a bad time lately, so I do what I always do during these times-walk the beach and talk to God.  I am a big "pray-er".  I talk to God all the time like He is sitting next to me and some of our best conversations are set to the tune of surf, squawks and splashes.  Last night I hit the beach right before a storm hit and decided I needed to walk these and take pictures:

These are pilings left from old docks back when Naples was just a little bitty town with no roads and no way to get there but by boat and train. They are down on Gordon Drive, which is some of the most expensive real estate IN THE COUNTRY! It makes me feel a little snarky to go and walk "their" beach ;}

Anyhoooo...I decided to be brave and walk out in the Gulf on these pieces of deteriorating wood.  I got most of the way out, no problem, just as cocky and stupid as hit me...what am I doing?

I stopped dead in my tracks.  Couldn't move forward, too cavalier to turn back. WTH am I gonna do?
As I stood there, swaying in the wind that was blowing in a big storm, it dawned on me this is a BIG OLE METAPHOR for my life.  I take on the challenge, walk the walk, then get a-l-m-o-s-t there and stop, turn and run. I was frozen there, mulling this over, when I heard the answer- "NO MORE". Believe that no matter how narrow the path, no matter how far out I go, TRUST that I never, never walk this way alone.

 I walked out to the end, snapped a picture, turned and walked back, very very satisfied with myself!

Sometimes you just have to kick yourself in the butt...and listen to the quiet voice that gives you the answer.